Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Midwest Section Bylaws Election

Below is the link to the electronic ballot for the proposed revisions to the Midwest Section bylaws. The Section Executive Board has been working on an overhaul of our bylaws for the past year. Some of the revisions are needed to update language to how the Section currently does business, and many other changes were made to comply with mandates from the Chapter Board.
A copy of the proposed bylaws is linked - both a clean copy and a tracked-changes version. A general summary of the proposed changes is below.

The organization and section numbering is changed. Bylaws are considered “amended and restated”.

Article II Purpose. This section was expanded to better describe the mission of the Section.

Article III Membership. Members are now classified as “Section Members” rather than “Regular Members”. The section regarding termination of membership is deleted.

Article IV Fiscal Administration. The fiscal year was changed from the calendar year to the same fiscal year calendar used by the Texas Chapter. Budget and financial reporting requirements were amended to be consistent with directives from the Texas Chapter. The portions of this section regarding special assessments, vouchers and restrictions and dissolution were deleted.

Article V Elected Officers, Appointed Officers and Executive Board. Terms of office were expanded to two years as directed by the Texas Chapter. The position of “newsletter editor” is changed to “communications coordinator” to reflect expanded use of the internet and social networking tools. The professional development officer and student representative are moved from ex-officio positions to executive board positions. Duties of the officers is expanded to reflect actual duties and coincide with Texas Chapter position duties. Quorum is expanded from 3 to 4 board members.

Article VI Elections and Voting. The Section director is charged with administering elections. A specific election process and detailed calendar are added. Allowances added for electronic or written ballots. Officers assume elected position at the conclusion of the Chapter conference every October in odd-numbered year (instead of January each year) as directed by the Texas Chapter. A process is added to fill vacancies on the executive board should the need arise.

Article VII Meetings. Executive board meetings must be noticed via electronic or other means at least 15 days prior to the meeting, as directed by the Texas Chapter.

Article VIII Committees. Three standing committees are created to further Section business – programs committee, awards committee and conference planning committee. Members of these committees are appointed by the Section Director.

Article IX Amendment of Bylaws. Expanded the section related to the procedures for the amendment of the bylaws.

Access the ballot: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MWAPA-Bylaws-Election

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